Collaboration with the Floriculture Sustainability Initiative (FSI) members Hivos, Fairtrade International and FairFlowers/FairPlants enabled the production of research on living wages and wage setting in Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania. Aiming to increase awareness among supply chain actors on this topic, identify gaps between current and living wages, and stimulate the development of different approaches that can be adopted for measuring progress on this difficult and complex subject.
IDH is a strategic partner of the project and co-funded around 30% of the activities of the project.
IDH also welcomed the initiative taken by some of the ISEAL members to organize themselves as a working group to align their different approaches around a common living wage definition. The Anker methodology was adopted by the group that was named the Global Living Wage Coalition (GLWC).
2014年,FSI成员藏太福群岛,公平贸易国际和Fairflowers / Fairplants提出了一个项目理念,并在讨论项目方法后,IDH决定共同资助该项目。2017年,举行了初步的FSI成员会议,该主题是在FSI成员之间讨论了研究的结果。
该项目由FSI Partners Hivos,Fairtrade International and Fairflowers / Fairplants发起。全球生活工资联盟(GLWC)一直是开展生活工资估计的主要项目合作伙伴。Ergon Associates为分析社会经济和政治局势提供了技术支持,而藏太革斯与真正的价格合作探索并货币化为生活工资上升的商业案例。
- 自2015年以来荷兰的起居工资实验室中的利益攸关方。参加他们的人数随着时间的推移而增加,并达到了30个部门的利益攸关方,每年大约3次会议,讨论问题,并统称为可能的解决方案以及如何采取领导力。
- Ergon Associates于2015年完成了埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚在埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚的工资结构研究。项目合作伙伴使用的调查结果来制定如何努力支付该地区生活工资的方法。
- True Price published their report where they propose a living wage payment for Kenya on top of normal negotiation.
- 肯尼亚农村的生活工资研究出版ished in October 2016 and validation sessions were held with relevant stakeholders from the flower industry and beyond.
- The living wage study for the Ziway area in Ethiopia was published in April 2017. Meetings with certified farms, civil society organization and relevant stakeholders were held in the country.
- In 2017, the project partner Fairtrade International introduced a wage approach called the ‘Floor Wage’ for floriculture. Fairtrade applied the World Bank absolute poverty line of US$ 1.90 corrected for purchasing power parity, related to typical family size and number of wage earners to create a minimum requirement for base wages. The Floor Wage for floriculture is approximately 80% higher than current entry-level base wages in Ethiopia (1500 vs. 800 Birr). Fairtrade allows a transition period for already certified plantations of 2 years, whereby 85% of the floor needs to be reached after year 1. The Floor Wage is also meant to help level the playing field between Ethiopian and Kenyan producers.
- 东非国家的Fairtrade花卉农场同意在2018年筹集工资(> 40,000名工人),而这些工资低于新的公平贸易楼工资。所有Fairtrade农场都采用了这一步骤,目前正在接下来识别业务案例,以增加工资,作为供应链保证金的一部分和价格设置。
- Hivos and Fairtrade are cooperating with the leading breeders of Poinsettia to start up practical pilots to showcase the possibilities of working towards the payment of living wages and are implementing this in their supply chain.
- continuing the discussions with its members on the topic and living wages will be also one of the focus themes in the draft Dutch Responsible Business Conduct Agreement as part of the OECD and UNGP guidelines.
- IDH is interested in supporting partners willing to test different approaches for the payment of living wages, and in sharing learnings on how the private sector can effectively approach this issue within their supply chain.