通过签署行动联合框架of the Cocoa & Forests Initiative (CFI), the Government of Côte d’Ivoire and cocoa sector companies agreed on eight key commitments, and in particular on strengthening supply chain mapping (Commitment 4), with the ultimate objective of achieving full traceability from farm to first purchase point at the national level. To achieve this objective, three major components have been identified in the implementation plan: (i) the effective implementation of the national traceability system, (ii) the improvement of supply chain mapping, and (iii) the implementation of a verifiable monitoring system for traceability from farm to ports in Côte d’Ivoire.
在启动阶段,根据指导委员会的预算,CFI的五个优先区被确定为可追溯性系统的可追溯性系统,估计总成本为2,840亿氟氯烃法郎,根据指导委员会的预算2018年11月。该预计预算没有考虑到可可咖啡种植者和果园(CCCR)运营的人口普查的成本,由Conseil du Cacao完全资助。
2019年3月,Conseil DuCafé-Cacao动员了必要的资源来开展可行性可行性的可行性研究。总体目标是在科特迪瓦在科特迪瓦的技术,经济,经济,经济和社会可行的统一可追溯性可追溯性范围内,基于该领域已经进行的经验。它将在两个阶段进行,对实施可追溯性系统的经验进行诊断分析(目前情况的分析)和适应科特迪瓦的范围的可追溯性系统的提案。这些阶段的实施应伴随着未来可追溯性系统的所有合作伙伴或关键行动者的咨询和迭代过程,特别是:CALECEIL DUCAFÉ-CACAO,国家技术研究和发展局(BNETD),森林Development Corporation (SODEFOR), the Ivorian Parks and Reserves Office (OIPR), the Permanent Secretariat REDD+ (SEP REDD+), the Ministry of Water and Forests’ (MINEF) services in charge of forest exploitation and cadastre, wood, and cocoa manufacturers, the Rural Land Agency (AFOR), the Telecommunications Regulator Authority/ICT of Côte d’Ivoire (ARTCI), technical and financial partners, and financial institutions.
2019年6月27日星期四,Conseil DuCafé-Cacao推出了对选择咨询工作的兴趣表达的呼吁。结果将更好地了解有效实施国家可追溯性系统所涉及的问题。
The next steps include the following activities: (i) the implementation of the system, (ii) the conduct of implementation tests and the implementation of a verifiable monitoring system for traceability from the plantation to the ports of Côte d’Ivoire, (iii) the implementation of the monitoring and evaluation framework through the definition of the criteria for a risk control system and the implementation of an information platform, (iv) awareness raising and stakeholders’ training, and (v) capacity building of stakeholders in the sector for the management of the traceability system. In addition to the funding granted by the Conseil du Café-Cacao for this study, additional resources (approximately 2,735 billion CFA Francs) will have to be mobilized for the subsequent deployment of the national traceability system by December 2020.