2020年10月19日生效,我们的首席执行官Joost Oeorthuizen将成为一个新的,在荷兰的新手,开发和投资银行被称为投资国际(请参阅荷兰语中的新闻稿)Invest International将管理开发和投资基金在新兴市场的荷兰企业中致力于可持续发展目标(SDGS)。这个新角色是Joost的一个很好的机会,在业务和SDG的交汇处,以及他在IDH的工作中的连续性。在过去的12年里,这也是乔斯特的成就的极好认可。Under Joost’s entrepreneurial drive and relentless belief in IDH’s mission, IDH has grown from a small Dutch initiative into a well-respected international organization, now employing 250 people, co-investing 50 million Euros a year, and convening governments, global traders, brands, and retailers in over 40 countries to unlock sustainability in value chains. Joost leaves behind a powerful organization with an experienced Management Team, which will manage daily businesses and support the IDH Supervisory Board, as it works to appoint Joost’s successor.