


厄瓜多尔是世界上最大的香蕉出口国。A significant step in the banana sector has been the alignment of the Ecuadorian Ministry of Agriculture, Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s), and big producers behind the Occupational Health and Safety training manual that has been developed under the Banana Occupational Health and Safety Initiative (BOHESI), helping to ensure its country-wide roll-out. The manual has also received support from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the Social Protection Division of the FAO. The BOHESI manual will soon be distributed to union workers, public extension agents, and company workers through a train-the-trainer model, and has the potential to impact the labor rights and working conditions of approximately 55,000 Ecuadorian farmworkers.

Bohesi于2014年在IDH的可持续发展倡议水果和蔬菜(SiFAV)下概念化,以应对香蕉工人健康和安全的挑战。Bohesi已经与Solidaridad,Banana Link和世界香蕉论坛合作开发,并寻求召开全球香蕉部门,以更具社会负责的香蕉生产,改善工人的生活水平(特别是与健康和安全),农民周围社区。


手册,政府,工人联盟和大型生产者背后的一致性是一个重要的里程碑,idh当然很自豪能成为一部分。而且,厄瓜多尔只是开始 - 喀麦隆的香蕉部门正在通过类似的过程参与。许多项目的合作伙伴公司也有全球采购基地;及时,Bohesi旨在为全球Banana工人的劳工权利和工作条件做出积极贡献。