
2019年9月非洲绿革命论坛(AGRF)非洲农业发展局的世界优质和有影响力的论坛,达伯格和联合利华宣布了战略伙伴关系。IDH和Dalberg将支持联合利华在非洲发展和增加其在非洲增长的基础(GSA) - 将当地农民和中小企业纳入联合利华的供应链。该倡议旨在在几个国家商业化和改善联合利华的新兴供应商的业务运营。反过来,这将改善生计并促进更广泛的农业转型,通过增加非洲大陆的贸易和工作创造。

在论坛上,Christian Byron先生 - 供应链,制造业和种植园负责人,非洲共同的联合利华采购2500万美元并支持确定的中小企业在未来三年内符合其质量和体积要求。Byron先生还透露了最近由IDH和Dalberg完成的这些中小企业的当前业务运营的诊断和分析。该诊断的结果由中小企业使用,以制定技术,商业和投资计划,帮助他们以正确的价格和质量生产,以满足联合利华的真正采购需求。


In addition to the IDH grant contribution to the SME’s under GSA initiative, The IDH Farmfit Fund is able to provide financial investment to these SME’s in the form of debt, equity or guarantees where banks are unwilling to fund or where the cost of funding is too high. The funding can be used to finance production assets, fixed assets, working capital (long and short term), and long-term finance for renovation and rehabilitation. Where internal lines of funding are used or where capital is not required, the Farmfit Fund is able to provide de-risking tools to either producers, local financial institutions or Unilever subsidiaries. This allows producers, local financial institutions or Unilever’s subsidiaries to reduce their risk and expand the scope of their lending.

