在Araguaia Valley,Acrimat(计划的实施合作伙伴),支持可持续的牲畜专业人士协会(应用)开展了149个农场的参与和登记。
Marcos Jacinto, an affiliate of Acrimat’s and one of the farmers benefitting from the Program in the Araguaia Valley, spoke about the experience of having technical visits: “This week at the farm I had a visit for property diagnosis from the technicians from the sustainable calf program; a project that is going at full steam! It is amazing to see the enthusiasm of the team when they are received by the livestock farmers and are listened to and try to make a difference in livestock through their knowledge!”
在Juruena Valley的同时,参与行动和第一次诊断访问natcap.在SãoMarcelo农场的支持下,来自cattato.顾问。在2月的最后一周,20名农民直接从事,在4个农场举行了生产诊断的技术访问。目标到4月底的目标是选择40名农民,并在至少25个农场中开展诊断和生产和环境援助。
即使在开始,该计划也一直展示了对牛犊的小型饲养员互动,主要是与技术援助部件有关的价值。This is demonstrated by the statement by a farmer from the town of Juruena, Gilmar José Fleck, who, after having the first diagnostic visit, said:… “its’s the first time in 25 years that I have had a visit on my property from people who have come to teach me and want to help me produce better and more.”