
一世DH一直与南苏门答腊省的棕榈油公司(包括Indoagri的子公司PT PP London Sumatra)密切合作,专注于6,141公顷的3,144棕榈油小农的RSPO认证。过去三年农业训练良好的农业习惯。这一增加的棕榈油供应增加,使他们能够更具经济价格提供100%负责的棕榈油。

独立的小型小农现在能够生产负责人的棕榈油,并将其销售给Indoagri,或向Rspo PalmTrace销售证书。南苏门答腊省IDH的工作与政府,私营部门和CSO的工作将帮助该地区根据南苏门答腊绿色增长计划(GGP),该计划于2017年签署的南苏门答腊绿色增长计划(GGP)。


Since then GGP has been replicated to the other provinces in Indonesia such as in West Kalimantan, Jambi, Aceh, Papua and West Papua. IDH (supported by ICRAF) followed up the GGP of South Sumatra by mainstreaming it into their regional medium-term development plan (RPJMD) and strengthening governments’ capacity to operationalize the green growth strategy in the coming years.

这款GGP是建立A的基础验证采购区(VSA)readiness pilot in Sembilang landscape (covering Banyuasin and Musi Banyuasin districts).

IDH旨在保护80000公顷的丙肝病毒/高碳钢forests and peatland, restore 20,000 hectares of forest and peatland, and increase sustainable agricultural production on 33,000 hectares that will improve the livelihoods of 9,000 smallholder farmers and community members in and around Sembilang-Berbak National Park.

Land designated as forest area:3.5 million ha
Main causes of forest loss:商品生产,森林火灾(例如2015年)森林砍伐
主要商品:Plantation timber, palm oil, pulp and paper


To implement the green growth plan at the landscape level, IDH is developing PPI compacts in the areas where forest and peat protection and/or restoration will take place. We are piloting this in the district (kabupaten) of Musi Banyuasin together with the local government and companies. We aim to carry out meaningful and scientific based rehabilitation, protection and peatland best management practices. Musi Banyuasin district will become the first district in South Sumatra to be certified under the司法管辖率认证计划

一世DH links these compacts to investments in sustainable production and demand for sustainable products. We are piloting the RSPO regional sourcing scheme in South Sumatra, with wide ranging support by government, producers and supply chain companies.

推动欧洲,IDH和欧洲可持续棕榈油的吸收mvo.(the Dutch Oils and Fats Industry) established the European Sustainable Palm Oil, or ESPO, project in 2015. The project was initiated to stimulate the uptake of more sustainable palm oil in Europe, and its objective is to achieve ‘100% sustainable palm oil in Europe by 2020’. ESPO works in close collaboration with various National Palm Oil Initiatives on sustainable palm oil, the RSPO and umbrella EU associations, such as Caobisco (confectionary), Fediol (refineries) and Imace (margarines), and connects to the green sourcing areas.

Outside of Europe, IDH has also set up the Palm Oil (Markets) Program in India that works to mainstream the uptake of sustainable palm oil. India is the largest consuming market of Indonesian palm oil, and consumes 13.5% of the total global production – making it one of the largest markets for the commodity. This gives India agency, as it is well positioned to demand palm oil produced in a responsible manner without deforestation risk. It is also well placed to further strengthen South-South Cooperation while providing regional stewardship for the trade of responsibly sourced commodities including palm oil.

一世n India, IDH’s Palm Oil Program contributes to the SDG 12 for Responsible Consumption and Production. We do this by:

  • 召开在印度运营的大型棕榈油采购商建立报告和披露
  • 剩余的包容性和标准中性
  • 在短期内努力影响需求,并长期鼓励负责任的家庭供应
  • 监测负责任的采购/可持续棕榈油的吸收
  • 建立与印度政府的参与


