As the number of companies committed to producing and sourcing fully deforestation free palm oil increases, there is growing awareness that traceability is an essential requirement for meeting that commitment. Companies throughout the supply chain need to be able to prove sustainability at source in order to safeguard their reputation and comply with internal or customer sourcing guidelines. As a result, many companies have signaled their intention to move to full traceability.


Although the ultimate goal of the group members is to achieve full traceability and sustainability to plantation level, the group has set some intermediary milestones that are essential to meet the ultimate goal and will also serve to measure progress. These milestones are:

  1. All mill sources known
  2. All mill and plantation sources known
  3. 所有轧机和种植园来源已知和认证/验证

The palm oil supply chain is complex, and there are a large number of actors involved. For this reason, once mill sources have been identified, a prioritization approach will be adopted to ensure that the highest risk areas receive attention first.


Step 1: Identify all mills within the company’s supply chain. For derivatives or oleochemicals, this may initially be limited to the supply chains of select priority products.

Step 2: Conduct a risk assessment on mills and sourcing areas (50-100km radius) using social and environmental criteria, based on Wri.棕榈风险评估方法tool。将区域分类为高/中/低优先级以进行进一步调查。

Step 3:根据每个公司的流程和政策,在最高优先级领域和地面核查中的优先次序。对于低优先级区域,请继续执行步骤5。



Risk Assessment


TWG将与其他缔约方共同努力,以定义这些标准,例如,森林砍伐,泥炭和社会/劳动力。TWG Memmbers与世界资源研究所(WRI),守护顾问和普罗展合作,开发WRI掌上风险评​​估方法,该方法是一种免费在线方法,用于评估厂房采购领域的环境风险。




The TWG members see traceability as a necessary means to an end but not an end in itself. The ultimate goal of traceability is to drive impact on the ground. It is foreseen that supply chain mapping and traceability can help identify supply sheds that represent significant sustainability risks and should therefore become the focus of concerted interventions. Defining the structure of intervention will likely be an iterative learning process, but it is expected the following levers could be used to drive change: the application of incentives and disincentives to specific mills, jurisdictional approach, and consideration for area certification/verification. It is expected that public sector funding and buyers will be able to provide incentives to help drive these changes.



World map


Title 类型
介绍验证 介绍 20.16
Sample verification report Report 20.16
评估标准进行验证 Report 20.16
TWG磨机验证方法报告 Report 20.16
TWG concept note Brochure 20.16