The Cocoa Fertilizer Initiative began in 2012 and was active for five years, its activities coming to an end in 2017. The Initiative aimed to restore soil fertility to key cocoa growing regions in Côte d’Ivoire, limiting farm expansion and deforestation, and ultimately enabling farmers to improve their livelihoods by turning cocoa farming into a sustainable business.
通过该倡议,可可行业,如可可交易员,化肥工业民间社会组织和政府在主流,公私私人联盟中汇集。该倡议由世界可可基金会(WCF),Le Conseil duCafé-Cacao和肥料供应商提供资金,并与IDH合作,可持续贸易倡议(IDH)合作。manbetx万博靠谱吗
它与CocoaAction密切合作,由世界可可基金会(WCF)举办的战略,以协调和对齐世界上最大的可可和巧克力公司的可可可持续性努力。可可Action aims to build a rejuvenated and economically viable cocoa sector that can compete with alternative crops and provide opportunities for no fewer than 200,000 cocoa farmers and the cocoa communities in Côte d’Ivoire by 2020. In the future, the Initiative will develop strategies for addressing soil fertility in Ghana and Nigeria.
标题 | 类型 | 年 |
CNRA土壤映射项目:最终报告 | 报告 | 2017 |
CNRA Sols制图项目:最终的融洽 | 报告 | 2017 |
倡议Engrais Cacao:Retour Sur LePassé,在Vers L'Avenir方面 | 报告 | 2017 |
可可施肥倡议:回头,向前迈进 | 报告 | 2017 |
从培训到教练:Mondelez - Ecom | 宣传册 | 2017 |