
Multiple governments have joined in a partnership with IDH to push forward on reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), proving economic growth can go hand in hand with social development and environmental protection. With each government we have specific agreements related to the different programs of IDH, however always aiming to reach sustainable market transformation.

The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The government of The Netherlands supports IDH to accelerate market transformation towards sustainable supply chains. Next to financier, the Netherlands are an active partner through its embassy network and in international diplomacy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has granted IDH an additional €100 million for the period 2015-2020 to co-fund private sector investments in sustainable market transformation in 11 commodity sectors.

The Dutch government has granted IDH € 20 million for the period 2015-2020 to pilot a landscape approach in 6 resource vulnerable landscapes. Since 2015, this landscape approach is also funded by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad).

The Federal Council of Switzerland

2013年,联邦公司uncil of Switzerland decided to allocate € 24.5 million (CHF 30 million) to a strategic four-year partnership with IDH within the framework of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) economic development cooperation. This will be used to support public-private cooperation to upscale and accelerate the sustainable production of commodities such as coffee, cocoa, cotton, soy and palm oil.

Through sustainable management, the global trade in coffee, cocoa, cotton, soy and palm oil can make a significant contribution to poverty reduction in developing countries. SECO therefore encourages trade that is both socially responsible and environmentally friendly in its partner countries. Cooperating with IDH, which shares the same program approach as SECO, will ensure a more efficient utilization of funds.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark states on its website that the developing countries need an enabling environment for the private sector to create economic growth, one of the preconditions for effective poverty alleviation. Thus, it is a strategic priority in Danish development cooperation to work for a stronger private sector. For DANIDA, it is important that Danish businesses participate actively in this endeavor. The Department for Green Growth is the entry-point for companies to Danish development assistance. Here you can find information on the various programs designed to motivate companies to get involved in social and economic development. Danida supports IDH with € 1.2 million for cotton and coffee programs in East Africa.

The Norwegian Ministry of the Environment

There is a Grant Agreement between the Norwegian Department for Development Cooperation (Norad) and IDH regarding (QZA 15/0479) Deforestation Free Supply Chains in Liberia, Indonesia, and Brazil.

Norad is a directorate under the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In matter regarding Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI), Norad reports to the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. Norad’s functions are laid down in the agency’s terms of references and annual letters of allocation issued bythe Ministry of Foreign Affairsandthe Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Clickherefor an overview of all NICFI-funded contracts.